iOS 17: Add Low Power Mode to Control Center on iPhone

Low Power Mode is a handy feature on the iPhone that helps you conserve battery life when you need it most. Adding it to the Control Center on your iPhone with iOS 17 is a breeze and can be done in just a few taps. Once you’ve set it up, you’ll have quick access to toggle Low Power Mode on or off right from the Control Center, without having to dig through your Settings app every time.

You can also check out this video about how to add low power mode to the control center on an iPhone for more information.

Step by Step Tutorial: Adding Low Power Mode to Control Center on iPhone

Before we dive into the steps, let’s clarify what we’re aiming to achieve here. By following the steps below, you’ll be able to customize your iPhone’s Control Center by adding the Low Power Mode button. This will allow you to quickly turn the Low Power Mode on or off as needed, saving you time and keeping your phone running longer.

Step 1: Open Settings

Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

The Settings app is the one with the gear icon. You can usually find it on your home screen. If you can’t see it right away, you can swipe down on your screen and use the search bar to find it.

Step 2: Tap on Control Center

Scroll down and tap on the Control Center option within the Settings menu.

The Control Center options are usually found a little way down the main Settings menu. If you’re having trouble finding it, look for the search bar at the top of Settings and type in “Control Center.”

Step 3: Find Low Power Mode

Scroll down to the ‘More Controls’ section and find Low Power Mode in the list of options.

‘More Controls’ is where you can find all the additional features that you can add to your Control Center. They’re not there by default, but you can add them with just a few taps.

Step 4: Tap the ‘+’ Button Next to Low Power Mode

Tap the green ‘+’ button next to Low Power Mode to add it to the ‘Included Controls’ section.

When you tap the ‘+’ button, you’ll see Low Power Mode move up to the ‘Included Controls’ section. This means it will now appear in your Control Center.

Step 5: Rearrange Controls as Desired

If you want, you can rearrange the order of controls by holding and dragging the three-line icon next to any control.

This step is optional, but it’s handy if you want to have your Low Power Mode button in a specific place within your Control Center for easier access.

After completing these steps, you’ll now have the Low Power Mode feature readily accessible in your iPhone’s Control Center. With a simple swipe and tap, you can activate or deactivate Low Power Mode without the need to navigate through your Settings. This can be a real timesaver, especially when your iPhone’s battery is running low, and you need to conserve power quickly.

Tips: Maximizing the Use of Low Power Mode on iPhone

  • Use Low Power Mode when your battery dips below 20% to extend its life until you can charge it.
  • Remember that some features and visual effects may be reduced or turned off when Low Power Mode is active.
  • Low Power Mode automatically turns off when your iPhone is charged to 80% or higher.
  • You can still use most of your apps and functions in Low Power Mode, but they might not perform as quickly.
  • Check your battery’s health in Settings to ensure Low Power Mode is as effective as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Low Power Mode affect performance?

Yes, some functionality and performance might be scaled back to conserve battery life, such as email fetch, background app refresh, and some visual effects.

Can I still use GPS and location services in Low Power Mode?

Yes, but these services may not update as frequently, which can save battery life.

Will Low Power Mode turn off automatically?

Low Power Mode will turn off automatically when your iPhone is charged to 80% or higher.

Can I schedule Low Power Mode to turn on automatically?

No, you cannot schedule Low Power Mode. However, your iPhone will suggest turning it on when the battery reaches 20% or 10%.

Will Low Power Mode affect my notifications?

No, you will still receive all your notifications in Low Power Mode.


  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap on Control Center
  3. Find Low Power Mode
  4. Tap the ‘+’ Button Next to Low Power Mode
  5. Rearrange Controls as Desired


Adding Low Power Mode to your iPhone’s Control Center is a smart move for anyone looking to preserve battery life with minimal effort. iOS 17 makes this process straightforward and user-friendly, ensuring you can toggle this feature on or off with just a swipe and a tap. Not only does it help in the longevity of your device’s daily charge, but it also keeps your iPhone running smoothly during those crucial moments when you’re away from a power source. With the tips and FAQs provided, you’re now equipped to make the most out of this powerful, battery-saving feature. So why wait? Take a moment to customize your Control Center and stay powered on the go with iOS 17’s Low Power Mode.